Like many, I have a long list of trips I want to take and places I want to see. I think this is partially overactive because as a child, I rarely went anywhere. I remember two vacations growing up (one of which we will definitely talk about in the future) and some summers spent with my aunt. Other than that, I basically stayed in my home town until I was old enough to plan my own vacations. Having kids then limited the number of vacations I was able to take.
Fast forward to now. My kids are adults, I work full-time from home, and the list of places I want to go is still long. I find myself planning many, many trips and my brain wants to take them all at once. So, all I can think about is when I can go on the next trip, which one of the many places I should go, and how much can I cram into the time I’m there while still working full time. Am I the only person that has this problem? So many places to go and no time to travel? I’ve had several trips planned for years that I haven’t taken because they are date specific and every year, something comes up and I have to cancel. Every year I tell myself I’m not going to cancel, yet every year, I do.
Well, that’s how my mood is today. My brain is on overdrive begging to go somewhere and see something new, but my body is at home working and getting stuff done. Overall, it’s a good day so far. Remember you are loved!